Sunday Services canceled through March 31, 2020

Dear Valley UU Congregation Members and Friends,
As an expression of our concern for our most vulnerable members, and to help slow the spread of Covid-19 in our communities, all worship services at VUU will be cancelled through March 31st. All in-person meetings that are related to the congregation, including choir rehearsals and committee meetings, will either be cancelled or moved online through the congregation’s ZOOM account. The VUU staff are also working from home whenever possible.
This decision was reached in consultation with local health officials, key VUU members with decades of public health experience, the UUA, our congregation’s board of trustees, and VUU staff. It was not an easy call, but I am convinced it is the correct one. We will be reaching out to leaders who would be in charge of committee meetings early next week to ask whether you would like to cancel or move your meeting online. If you do not hear from us, please contact us at
Next Tuesday, the staff will meet and begin planning for a robust online presence. This worrisome time also offers us the opportunity to experiment, and already we are asking ourselves how we can, together with you, create an even more vibrant expression of religious community than we currently have. I hope you will be part of that effort.
In the meantime, dear friends, be safe. Practice good hand-washing. Enjoy the comforts of home whenever you are able. And be in touch with any questions you might have.
With love,
Rev. Andy, with the support of the VUU staff and Board of Trustees