Congregational Meeting with Search Vote

Join the VUU community for our semi-annual Congregational Meeting. We will require a quorum of members to attend and will vote in a seven-member Settled Ministerial Search Committee.
The meeting will start just after church service on Sunday, January 24 (about 11:30). Additional information and updates from the Board will be provided. IMPORTANT: Two-member households should log in to the service from two different devices as voting is limited to one vote per device. You can access zoom from any computer, tablet, or phone. Please do this prior to the service so that quorum-counting can begin immediately upon the start of the meeting.
These are the names of the 10 candidates, listed alphabetically. You will find a brief biography for each at attached here.
Carl Anderson
Sue Keen
Gary Klesper
Janice Miller
Barb Quijada
Adam Romney
Mary Rothschild
Daniel Sapapkie
Chris Sar
David Sheh