In the Meantime,

Did these past weeks remind you of “Waiting to Exhale?” While I never saw the 1995 movie, I understood the phrase. It means holding your breath until you feel it is safe to let go; with that “whew” sound no doubt. After so many uncertain weeks it seems we can let go of political worries and deal with dull stuff like budgets and pledges and policies.
Pledging is Happening! But unlike NPR or PBS, pledging to VUU is for the whole year. No pledge breaks every two or three months, interrupting the programming and all. This is the one time we ask the community to tell us how much they hope to contribute for 2021. I will be hosting several meetings to talk about VUU and pledging. If you want to join one, email me a
Custom masks could be happening. Some of you have seen my mask with the VUU logo on it. We can order them, but they cost $20 a piece. Now, you can contact the office and say you want one. Or, you could raise your pledge by at least $120 over last year and you will get one as ‘our gift to you,’ as they say on PBS. Or, if you are a new giver and pledge at least $140 we will do the same.
Looking for a way to help VUU personally? We have two volunteer positions that would make a huge difference. One is someone who can keep the official church calendar of meetings. This would include booking zoom links. The other is someone who could come into the office Monday to assemble the weekly bank deposit, and again later in the week to sort the mail. Each involves between 4-10 hours a week. If you are so inclined, write to Lora at
And make sure to join us this Sunday to see the oral history project the Transition Team has assembled as part of interim ministry work. This is an ongoing project, intended to capture the human side of VUU. You can still contribute after Sunday as well. Those who have seen it have all enjoyed it. I am sure you will as well.
See you in church, as they used to say. – FW –