In the Meantime,

June is always busting out, as the song says. In addition to the usual stuff, you had your annual meeting (which went very well let me say). I had my annual meeting of the UU Ministers, and soon comes the UUA General Assembly. The intense heat is just a bonus, right?
For newer members, GA as it is called, is an annual gathering of UUs from across the country. At the center is our national business agenda and the election of leaders. In many ways it is just like our local meeting. I have served in elective office twice in my career, in fact.
Last year and this it was and will be virtual. While much cheaper to attend this way, there is still a fee to defray the costs of a national conference capable of hosting thousands virtually. But many events are available without charge. You can learn more about it all here:
Whether you attend or not, I decided that we should ‘attend’ the GA worship on June 27th as our service. We will use our own zoom to host it so I can introduce the service first, and I will invite folks to stick around for a zoom conversation afterwards if they like.
As you move toward the search process in earnest, becoming more aware of the UUA is important. It is the organization that credentials ministers, and UU congregations use their staff and processes to find the right person.
Becoming aware of the UUA both as an institution and a community of congregations is very much part of the transition process I was trained to lead. It is no surprise that there are as many opinions about the UUA as there are UUs. We are a diverse and opinionated bunch from coast to coast. Experiencing that diversity will help you when the Search Committee surveys the congregation soon. You will be better informed and that will make them better informed.
So do attend on June 27th, see the association at its widest. Sample the other free events even if you do not pay to see the added programs and presentations. One way or the other, you will have a new perspective on the movement VUU is part of and that is good. – FW –