In the Meantime,

I am going to do something I have almost never done – not work for a few weeks. Most of my career I actually worked during vacation. That was partly self serving. When you are away for several weeks the inbox and to do list get fuller and longer. But frankly, it was also a little anxious of me. Letting go completely was hard. Could they do without me? Worse, did they really need me?
Part of my job as interim is to set a good example, to model healthy ministry. Not working is part of that. We clergy need a sabbath as it were, because, as the folks in the airplane say, you have to put on your own mask before helping others. Vacation is for breathing, as it were. It’s for being a person not just a parson, a man not just a minister.
But I have some homework for all of you. While I am gone I want you to read something – This is a revised version of my remarks on where you are along the way to a new settled minister. I want each and every member of VUU to read it and ponder it. I also want all our groups – board, program council, leadership development committee, special funds, connections circles, choir, etc – to talk about it and think about how to make your mission and vision a true path toward your future.
When I get back in August worship let’s share our ideas and what you will do about them. Until then, stay cool and safe. Regarding my vacation, here are the ‘deets’ a former staffer called them.
I will be on vacation from July 7 through August 17
I will not be in the pulpit or write a weekly column during that time
I will respond to a pastoral or institutional emergency
I will be playing with my month old grandson and visiting my 96 year old uncle
And I will be thinking about you and the coming year, and be eager to be back with you for a momentous year. -FW-