In the Meantime,

Time for a Covid Update at VUU.
Things are not getting better in Maricopa County. Rates are up, cases are up. Some folks have asked if we should continue worshiping in person.
As I stated in my weekly Facebook video, we can continue provided that we follow our own protocols very assiduously. Those are:
- Remain masked indoors
- Remain socially distant from anyone not in your home, not only while seated but before and after.
- No congregational singing.
- Leave the sanctuary right after service, socialize safely outdoors.
I will be removing the ‘green’ wristbands which indicate willingness to make personal contact. For the time being, wear a yellow or red wristband to remind yourself not to get close to or touch anyone not in your home. I am saying this now, as we are approaching the holiday season and with it a natural and deserved desire to congregate and socialize. Staying vigilant is vital so we do not give gifts no one wants!
So far as we know, we have not heard of anyone having or testing positive for Covid while attending Sunday activities. But to make sure I am adding two new requirements.
- If you suspect you have been exposed, or suspect it, do not attend in person.
- If you come down with COVID or test positive, soon after a Sunday, you need to tell me.
As it happens, I will be in Michigan for the next two Sundays, which is really modeling social distancing! On November 21, I will be with you virtually. Cornbread and apple cider will be available outside the sanctuary that Sunday. Sorry to miss it. On November 28, Randy Galbraith will be speaking on “Baking Bread.”
Looking further ahead, the Christmas Pageant will be on December 12 and we will be holding one Christmas Eve service at 7 pm. Things worth looking forward to. Get ready by having a healthy and safe Thanksgiving.
Click the link below to watch the Facebook “Weekly Moment with Fred”