In the Meantime,

This Sunday the Transition Team and I prepared a service that would share our work and your stories about VUU as part of the pilgrimage from one settled ministry to the next. Then the world intervened, as we all know. “Best laid plans,” as the poet said. Of course, we have been living in unusually uncertain times now for almost a year. Should we really feel surprised?
Because the events in Washington DC were so intense, and so consequential, I have postponed the Transition Team service for two weeks and will instead speak to the moment. Exactly what that is remains to be seen. Though I have many thoughts, choosing the right ones is not easy. I suspect Saturday will not be a day of rest this week.
Let me take a moment now to thank you for your trust and support the least four months. Truly, one of the unexpected gifts of this most difficult year has been serving you. Arizona’s official motto is “God Enriches.” I certainly feel enriched. – FW –