Annual Meeting 2022 Notice and Agenda
The VUU Board of Trustees is pleased to announce that the VUU Annual Meeting will be held in the Sanctuary and on Zoom on Sunday, June 12, after the service. The agenda for that meeting is shown below. We also are pleased to announce the Agenda for the Congregational Conversation which is scheduled in the Sanctuary and on-line on Sunday, June 5, after the service. The Agenda for that meeting is also shown below.
Tom Briggs
Secretary, VUU Board of Trustees
VUU Annual Meeting
June 12, 2022
1. Determination of quorum
2. Approval of minutes of 2021 Annual Meeting (vote)
3. Approval of minutes of “Call the Minister” meeting (vote)
3. President’s report
4. Minister’s report
5. Financial report/Adoption of the budget (vote)
6. Elections of BoT and LDC candidates (vote)
7. Unfinished business
8. New business
9. Election results
10. Adjournment
VUU Congregational Conversation
June 5, 2022
Opening/Chalice Lighting – Mary Rothschild?
Budget Overview – Ann Schneider
Candidate Presentations – Lee Laskowski
Environmental Action Team Update/Call to Action – Sandra Whitley