Desert Notes

Last weekend we held a training for A/V assistance and a retreat for the Worship Team that included Worship Associates, music team members, staff and even the tech team. We also held a Program Council meeting using a new, more interactive format. Leaders in both of these settings brainstormed how to solve problems together, address different needs, and deepen our own communication and understanding of each other’s perspectives and our shared work as a congregation. On Sunday we convened a Congregational Conversation as well, learning about the plans of the Sanctuary Transformation Team. It was an honor to spend my weekend doing the true work of shared ministry with VUU. There’s plenty on the “to do” list but there’s also a lot of discernment about what steps need to be taken next and how we can insure that everyone is at the table that needs to be and we are making room for new perspectives and possibilities.
- Something we are looking for is someone who can act as an online leader during services for components that need a leader or speaker to make the online experience more interactive and connected to mirror the experiences of people meeting in the sanctuary.
- We are also looking for folks who might be interested in paid part time work as a sexton (set up and clean up for events, basically) or running the tech booth alongside Libby. If any of these interest you, let me know!
Because we celebrated National Coming Out Day with a story from my kid Sol about coming out as a non-binary, trans kid, I received a lot of questions about resources for LGTBQ youth and about what it means to be non-binary and/or trans. Some of you shared with me that you struggle, as do all of us who grew up with strong binary expectations (girls/women dress this way, this is feminine; men don’t dress this way, only this way, this is masculine) to see someone dressed in a what looks feminine to you and use masculine pronouns. Sol uses he/him but doesn’t always present in a traditional masculine way. Here’s some basic information that might help us all think about this. Sol also shared some of his mental health journey, and many of you shared your own or the struggles of a family member with me. I encourage all of us to learn more through these partner organizations:
- AZTYPO which works with Trans Youth and their parents
- One-n-Ten which works with LGBTQ+ youth ages 11-24 in so many ways!
- And one of my personal favorites, NAMI, which offers individuals and families support around mental illness.
In gratitude, Rev. Sarah Oglesby-Dunegan.
Woot-Woot! Tech booth training! Thanks for joining the Tech Team!