Desert Notes

Word of Warning: If you received a phishing message from an account very similar to my email address (but slightly different!) please report it and remember that I will never email you requesting gift cards or cash.
While I have been excited to be with you all on Sundays this month, I am even MORE excited about the official opening of the congregational programming year that begins alongside our Faith Formation classes on 9/11/22 after water fun activities on labor day weekend. I enjoyed meeting the lead classroom teachers this weekend at the training Faith Formation Director Marci led and I was impressed with their dedication to VUU and their commitment especially to the next generation of Unitarian Universalists. I hope parents will do as I have done, and complete the enrollment forms so Marci knows you plan to bring your kids and participate! It’s been a joy to see more children and youth at our services and in the classroom. Katie, our Director of Music Ministries, and I are also planning for the year–choir rehearsal begins the same week on September 14–and we are considering how we will serve the diverse needs and interests of our gathered community. VUU staff have planned a retreat to look at the year and what we hope to accomplish with and for the VUU community.
I teased a couple of you when I said these first sermons were just “warm-up” sermons, but in a way that is accurate. We are learning together and building together, and as I said last Sunday–we grow because it wasn’t perfect, not because it was. But I also believe that there is no dress rehearsal for the life we are living, so we need to live each moment as fully as we can. I know I am still alive and vital because I am still capable of making mistakes and learning. I hope you are, too.
In September the worship team will begin using Soul Matters theme based materials as resources for planning and leading Sunday services. There are some small group materials we will make available, too, and some social media pieces you will begin to see. We will continue to subscribe to Touchstones this year while some may continue to be using these for personal spiritual practices or with small group meetings.
If you are interested in setting up a time to meet with me, or you’d like me to join a meeting or small group event already scheduled for VUU members, please fill out this form. I can also be reached at Things are busy as I meet with many of your committees and members and we plan together for a shared future!
One last note, which we will do our best to remind you of later: Christmas Day and New Year’s Day are both on Sundays this year, and we have decided that we will not hold Sunday services on those days as they are federal holidays. In fact, the campus will be closed between Christmas Day and New Year’s. We hope that each of you will have some time to spend with loved ones during this time, also. We’ll have more on this in a few months.
See you soon! Rev. Sarah.