Ministerial Search Committee Timeline Reminders

(Yes! We Have Just a Little Longer to Wait)
March 31 This is the day the MSC will make an offer to a minister-in-search to become VUU’s Candidate
for Settled Minister.
April 3 If the MSC’s offer has been accepted, we will announce this to the Congregation. Once contract
agreement has been reached, MSC will be able to announce the candidate’s name.
April 23-May 1 Candidating Week. This will be your chance to meet the Candidate for Settled Minister
in person or on zoom—or both! MSC will publish a schedule of receptions and meetings once we have
finalized it with the candidate, but you should mark this week on your calendar.
April 24 and May 1 Our Candidate for Settled Minister will preach from the VUU pulpit on both of these
Sundays. Be sure to be there in person or tune in on zoom!
May 1 Congregational Meeting and Vote. Immediately after the service, the Congregation will convene
to discuss a motion to Call the Minister and vote. A vote of 90% in favor is required to call the Candidate
to be our next Settled Minister.