Desert Notes August 24, 2023

Last week’s New Participant Welcome Luncheon was a festive occasion with good food, good conversation and questions, and a chance to get to know some new participants. These happen quarterly and are followed by a class and invitation for those who are ready to join. Current members and leaders are encouraged to join us and help orient new folks to our community and its opportunities. As always, thanks to Nick Carr, Laura Rohlfing, David Sheh and Jodie Freeman for helping me get set up and welcome folks. We’ll have a New member Recognition on September 10 for anyone who has joined and not been recognized since May.
Also on September 10 we’ll celebrate our annual ingathering service also known as water communion. This is a time for us to celebrate the many gifts that each of you bring to this community and the many gifts you receive from participating in this community. We’ll celebrate the living water of this congregation which is made up of many drops of water–each of us–and which supports the life of this community.
Rev. Sarah