Desert Notes June 1, 2023

On June 10, 2023 I will travel with the Coming of Age participants, joining Faith Formation Director Marci Beaudoin and Carl Anderson in Boston. On June 16 (my birthday!) I will be hosting a FUUNd event game night. From June 18-25 I will be in Pittsburg, PA for our annual UUA general assembly. After that I will be on study leave, preparing for the next congregational year and our shared ministry. Next week I will share with you some of the activities that your VUU staff will be engaged in during June and July as we review this congregational year and prepare for the next one! This week we are preparing for the Annual Meeting.
I want to thank everyone who was able to make a pledge, increase a pledge or make an additional one time contribution to this year’s budget. While we didn’t make it to our preferred budget, we did make more than our minimum budget, giving the board some options to work with.
In gratitude,
Rev. Sarah