Desert Notes May 4, 2023

This week I am traveling with colleagues to Las Vegas, NV for our quarterly UU religious professionals gathering. Normally our colleague in Las Vegas travels to Arizona by himself, so we are traveling to him this time. We will spend a day together in spiritual deepening and in reflection of how the year has gone and what we hope for in the coming year. Last weekend we (my family and I) enjoyed a “FUUNd” event riding bikes in historic neighborhoods of Phoenix led by Tricia Amato and fed by Bobbi Ryals. I was also honored to give a house blessing to Hannah Raya’s new home. Additionally, about 8 of us met with Rev. Joan Crawford for her anti-racism workshop, spending eight hours learning together last week. It was a deepening experience!
I’ve enjoyed meeting with the Coming of Age youth as they have prepared for the upcoming service they are leading. I know you will agree with me that these young folks are already leading us into a future that asks us to grow and learn from them.
Come hear their voices, see their visions, and find out what the future holds–for them and for us.