UU Christmas Eve Services

3:00p Family Friendly Christmas Eve Service “Stories, Songs and Santa!”
Hosted by the Seiferth, Oglesby-Dunegan, and Beaudoin families. An intergenerational early service oriented toward families with younger children who have earlier bedtimes, shorter attention spans, and whose theology is one of cookies, Santa and stories about Santa, and fun songs.
Wear your “holiday funware”–holiday pajamas or special outfits. Bring some cookies to share.
We’ll have Santa and a beautiful spot to take a family photo (with or without Santa!) after the service. Take spectacular pictures and videos with the Everlasting Pics Photo Booth! We’ll also have an exchange of stuffed animals for your child to choose a lovey to take home (bring one, take one and of course we’ll have extras in case someone forgets!)
7:00p Christmas Eve Service
Led by Rev. Sarah and an ensemble of singers, directed by Beth Wyman. A service oriented around adults and older children celebrating the beauty and magic of this season through classic music and messages that remind us of the connections between liberal Christianity and Unitarian Universalism through the traditional Christmas story. Of course, we also share a theology of pretty lights, cookies, and hot drinks (coffee/hot chocolate).