6400 W Del Rio St, Chandler, AZ 85226
(480) 899-4249

Desert Notes December 5, 2024

Love is our Doctrine. Service is our prayer. Justice is our calling.

Desert Notes December 5, 2024

I was listening to a podcast this morning in which Meghna Chakrabarti of “On Point” talks about, and has her guests share about, changes in American engagement with organized religion. I am interested in this because we have a lot of folks who come to Unitarian Universalism looking for a community and a replacement for their former spiritual community. Often folks find us because we are different–we are pluralistic and use a lot of secular resources to connect with each other; we have ministers who are female, and queer, and whose theology is very different from ministers you might have met somewhere else. I sometimes say we are like secular Judaism in a Protestant package that is Christian-adjacent and humanist and justice-oriented…with some paganism sprinkled in, too. It’s more complicated than that, and less. In any case, we are glad so many new folks are coming to check us out and to see what this different way of being a spiritual community might be like. I hope you’ll come to a class for new participants (there’s one this week!) or another event or activity to learn more. I am always happy to set up a time to meet and talk and answer questions! minister@vuu.org

-Rev. Sarah Oglesby-Dunegan