Desert Notes November 21, 2024

Are you new to VUU or returning after being away a long time?
Come to our new participant class on December 7 from 9:30a-2:30p in the VUU Board room or attend concurrently online. Join us for an introductory session to learn more about Unitarian Universalism, VUU, and getting engaged in our community. Bring your questions! We’ll invite you to bring some refreshments to share if you choose. Materials and other information will be emailed ahead of the class. This class is available in person and online – RSVP here. If you need to attend via zoom, let us know! We’ll meet in the Office building adjacent to the education classrooms, in the VUU board room. If you need childcare, please let us know two weeks in advance so we can make arrangements. Let us know what else you need!
Living Love Through the Practice of….Presence (December theme)
Explore the monthly themes in a monthly discussion group…drop in as you are interested and able! Beginning on December 8 after service from 12-1p in the Flex Room (room off the Sanctuary). Anyone welcome. Rev. Sarah or another leader will introduce the topic with a short reading and then invite folks to share and learn together. Sometimes we’ll watch a short video, listen to a song, or engage in an activity related to the theme.
-Rev. Sarah Oglesby-Dunegan