January 26, 2023
Welcome to Camp VUU!
This week things got a little hairy at our house as John joined Sol in testing positive for COVID and now I am, too. First round for us, so we eluded it for a long time. I have been working from home all week, thanks to everyone who has moved in person meetings to online so I could make sure I wasn’t passing it on outside this house (hopefully). I got a couple of good hikes in this week with my dog before I got sick, though. So lovely to live right next to South Mountain!!
Rest assured, the show will go on! Folks are stepping in and stepping up to cover my role in Sunday services and the many events still happening! I will be online for many of them, as long as my symptoms are mild.
UUA Article II revision discussions are being planned. Stay tuned. If you’re interested in learning more in the meantime, here is their report.
Here is the link to the main landing page for Article 2 and an Article 2 Study Commission intro video to watch, so you can “meet” the commissioners; The full charge to the commission, from the general assembly in 2020; and the original 1961 SIX principles from Article 2.
Lastly, a long but fascinating article that details how the original 1961 principles were radically changed in 1985, what the process was like, and how they came to consensus and vote. This article was written in the year 2000, in retrospect of the 15 year anniversary of the most major revision of Article 2. A bit confusing, reading a 23 year old article written about a 15 year old process, but fascinating none the less…Thanks to Janine Gelsinger from UUJAZ for helping me share these words and links with you!
In gratitude, Reverend Sarah