6400 W Del Rio St, Chandler, AZ 85226
(480) 899-4249

Book GroUUp

Love is our Doctrine. Service is our prayer. Justice is our calling.

Book GroUUp
3rd Fridays, 12-1:30 pm

What legacy will you leave your beloved: your children, grandchildren, congregation, community, and/or country about how you worked to dismantle systemic racism during your lifetime? What will you bequeath to your beloved? What is your hope for their future, for Beloved Community?

Join Rev. Tina Squire and Steve Kraynak on the third Friday of each month for a justice-centered book discussion from the perspective of our Unitarian Universalist values. Here we will use reading, conversation, and writing to answer these questions.

Register here.

Nothing from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025.