VUU is looking for a new Faith Formation Assistant 20 hours per week, $15/hr Sundays 8:30am-12:30pm + flexible week day hours Tasks: Assist Marci with lesson review & editing, classroom set up, Time For All Ages research and production, and assist with special events. Click here for a the full job description
Our Christmas Eve Service Begins on December 24th at 7:00 PM Ways to attend: In person: Masked and socially distanced Zoom: Zoom Worship Service Link Live Stream on our YouTube Channel:
As of Monday morning, a new roof is being installed on to the education and office buildings on the west side of campus. This is the first of many uses for the capital campaign moneys generously committed by VUU members and friends. In addition, we have signed a contract with our architect who will begin…
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Welcome, Todd Sirrine! VUU has a new Congregation Administrator, and we could not be more pleased to have Todd on our staff. Todd will be the voice on the phone, the greeting in the office, and the keeper of all things VUU. He comes to us with a variety of skills and experiences, and most importantly…
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CHECK IT OUT! We have a new Pride flag! It’s called the Progress Pride flag. Designed by Daniel Quasar in 2018, it’s a reboot of the LGBTQ Pride flag with an emphasis on inclusion and progression. The background of the flag includes the traditional 6 stripe rainbow LGBTQ flag as well as the Transgender blue white and pink…
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VUU would like to invite all members and friends to a forum with the COVID team to discuss current protocols, reasoning behind it, and answer any questions/concerns you may have as we methodically move forward with in-person gatherings. This is in lieu of a formal presentation by the COVID team at the Congregational Conversation on…
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Meeting directly after service. All are welcome. Members can vote. One vote per device, so if multiple people in your household are voting please join on seperate devices. Please click here to read the bios of all the candidates for elected positions for this year.