The Dalai Lama and Friends group explores Buddhist teachings from the Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Pema Chodron, and similarly focused teachers who emphasize understanding, compassion, gratitude, and joy, and how Buddhist wisdom can impact our daily life. We are welcoming to those with no previous knowledge or experience of Buddhism as well as seasoned Buddhists interested in supporting their practice in community. Dalia Lama and Friends is a casual opportunity to learn about Buddhism and share, support, and connect in community.
Sundays at 8:30am, we offer an optional guided meditation in the Boardroom in the VUU administrative offices area, and via Zoom.
At 9am the main session begins with brief check-ins, a reading, and thoughtful group discussions. We conclude at 10am.
Meeting information:
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 966 5449 0995
Password: 091748
In-Person Meeting Location:
Valley Unitarian Universalist
Adobe Montessori Administrative Office – Boardroom
(Across the parking lot from the sanctuary)
6400 W Del Rio St, Chandler, AZ 85226