6400 W Del Rio St, Chandler, AZ 85226
(480) 899-4249

Environmental Justice

Love is our Doctrine. Service is our prayer. Justice is our calling.

The effects of climate change spread far and wide.  Guided by the Unitarian Universalist 7th Principle, EAT members are dedicated to making positive changes for the betterment of our planet and ourselves.

The purpose of the Environmental Action Team is to provide opportunities that:

  • Increase our knowledge of environmental issues 
  • Call us to action to benefit the earth and all living things that call it home

EAT meets monthly and all are welcome to attend.  Meeting announcements are posted in VUU’s Happenings.  If you have a particular interest in an issue not noted below, you are welcome to contact us to explore launching the conversation. Ad hoc committees are formed to address short- and long-term issues and are initiated by staff and members.
Contact: Linda Stenholm lin2159861@gmail.com

Citizen’s Climate Lobby (CCL)

CCL provides an opportunity to connect with a national organization whose goal is legislation that imposes a fee on fossil fuels as a powerful solution to climate change.
Contact: Sandy Whitley sandyariz@cox.net

Food for Life and the Planet (FLP)

Our environment is directly affected by our food choices. FLP seeks to better understand the impact of those choices and identify alternatives that leave a lighter “foodprint.” By recognizing the consequences of our food choices, we can begin to build a platform to promote a more compassionate, healthy and sustainable approach to eating.
Get started by joining our Meatless Mondays Club! Visit our website and sign up for events, recipes and more.
Contact: Denise McLeod dns.mcleod@gmail.com

Green Sanctuary Garden

The VUU Green Sanctuary Garden provides a place of peace and respectful social interaction for all to enjoy the natural world, to learn about and practice gardening, and to promote nutrition and healthy eating habits for adults and children.
Contact: Denise McLeod dns.mcleod@gmail.com

VUU EAT Recorded Events

April 21, 2025