Social groups, volunteer initiatives, and social justice action teams come together regularly to foster meaningful connections, support one another through life’s ups and downs, and work toward shared goals. These gatherings provide opportunities for deeper engagement and collaboration beyond what is typically possible in larger or more formal settings, such as a Sunday morning worship service. Participants may bond over shared passions, crafts, activities, or a collective commitment to making a positive impact in their community and the world.
Starting a New Group
Want yo start a new group to add to this page? Send the details of your ideas (including the number of people interested in participating) to
VUU Social Groups
Our socializing activities offer a rich tapestry of opportunities to connect with others, share experiences, and build lasting relationships beyond the typical Sunday service. Whether you’re drawn to musical expression through instrumental or vocal groups, the warmth of communal meals, or the camaraderie of special interest groups, there’s a place for you to belong. While many of these gatherings occur on a regular basis, don’t forget to check our VUU Happenings newsletters for exciting one-time events and short-term activities that complement our ongoing offerings, providing even more ways to engage and connect within our vibrant community.
Game and Social Night Lounge
Welcome to VUU’s Game and Social Night Lounge, a vibrant weekly gathering designed to bring our community together for fun, friendship, and fantastic games! The 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, from 6pm to 8pm, we transform our space into a lively hub of activity, featuring a diverse array of board games, card games, and possibly even Dungeons & Dragons campaigns. Our event caters to all ages, with specially curated games and activities to ensure everyone from kids to adults can find something they enjoy. Whether you’re a strategy game enthusiast, a casual player, or simply looking to socialize, our Game Night has something for you.
In addition to gaming, we wish to incorporate various social interaction activities based on your feedback, creating opportunities for meaningful connections within our VUU family. From icebreaker games to group challenges, there’s always a chance to meet new friends or strengthen existing bonds. Our flexible format allows for both structured activities and free-form socializing, so you can participate at your own comfort level. Don’t miss out on this weekly chance to unwind, have fun, and be part of our thriving community. Join us at the Game and Social Night Lounge – where every game night is a new adventure!
For more information, contact CC, JC, and Doug Nintzel at email:
Music, Choir, Singing
Interested in connecting with others through music and singing? Visit our music team’s page for details and contact information.
VUU Gen X & Millennials
Calling all Gen X & Millennials at VUU! Want to connect with your peers? Our group offers a diverse range of activities, from social events to discussions on relevant topics that matter to our generations. It’s a chance to step outside of Sunday services and find a community that gets you. Whether you’re passionate about social justice, creative expression, or simply having a good time, come explore what our Gen X & Millennial group has to offer. All are welcome! You can find us on FB, register with our group on this form, or if you have questions or comments, send Mikaela and Kate an email:
VUU Ukesters
Welcome to Ukester Friends! We are a fun-loving group. All levels of Ukulele players and singers are welcome to join in. We will focus on beginners at the start of the session and as the night progresses, move to the bulk of our songs, which are advanced-beginner/intermediate level. If you’d like to receive our weekly newsletter, which includes our song list, or for any other questions, please email Maria:
This is an inclusive group-(not exclusive to VUU.) We also invite musicians with other instruments to join us.
The EastVUU group came together in early 2017 as a way to connect VUU members and friends who live on the eastern side of the East Valley. The mission of the EastVUU group is to enable fellowship, spiritual development, and progressive social justice. We are an open group and welcome anyone who wants to join us online for adult spiritual development, in person at our social gatherings, or doing social justice work together. Go to our EastVUU page for details.
Circle Suppers
Would you like to get to know more people from the VUU community? Join the Circle Suppers group and participate in monthly potluck dinners. A purely social event, there are no requirements aside from having a good time. On the first Saturday of each month, small groups of 8 or 10 meet at a host’s house for a delicious meal with a variety of side dishes.
The hosts and attendees vary from month to month, so you will get to meet and visit with new people. Participants are not required to host and most dietary restrictions can be accommodated. Singles, couples, and families are welcome, and you don’t need to be a VUU member to participate.
* Around the middle of each month, the sign-up email goes out. You respond if you would like to participate in the upcoming supper.
* Based on those responses and offers to host, groups are formed. An email is sent indicating who is in which group and who will be hosting that group.
* The group host will then send a message with details about that group. Hosts can set a theme but are not required to provide anything except a location and a friendly welcome. From there, the host and participants make a plan and everyone has a great time.
If you have questions, please contact Nick at:
Men’s Group
We are an open-minded UU circle of men who were formed in 2015 following a wonderful sermon about fathers from one of our founding members. We meet twice a month to discuss a variety of subjects affecting men’s general issues in our society as well as our specific personal matters. We also get together for a Saturday breakfast once a month. Prior to COVID-19, we met at the church in the evening and since the pandemic, our twice-monthly meetings are virtual using Zoom.
For more information contact David Sheh at
VUU Library
The VUU Library is located in the Administration Building. It’s a wonderful place to get some quiet time, read, get some work done, etc! For more information, please contact Janice Pittsley, Donna Long and Cliff Tucker at
Page Turners
The Page Turners Book Club is open to all members, visitors, and friends of VUU who enjoy reading and discussing a variety of books. You are welcome to attend all meetings or just when the book is of interest to you. Books are selected by the group during the December meeting for the following year.
We meet on the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM at a member’s home in Tempe. Please email Amy at if you would like to be sent the meeting location address.
This book group also sponsors the Little Library on the VUU campus. Stop by to add books or take books to read.
VUU Singles
If you are single and new to the congregation, the Singles VUU activities are a great place to begin making friends. We are a supportive social group for single people within and outside the congregation membership. All sexual orientations are welcome. This is a friendship group, not a dating group.
We meet at 6:30 every 4th Friday of the month at various restaurants in the area and have dinner and lively conversations. (It’s a good way to learn about different restaurants if you’re new to the area, too.) The location is published in Happenings the week before the event. We have done occasional house parties and activities such as game nights and Fall Foliage tours. These events are often spontaneously planned and notifications go out to the membership by group email.
If you are interested in hearing more about this group or want to RSVP for the monthly dinner, contact Claudette by phone or text at 973-768-6047 or by email at: We’re a very welcoming group and look forward to meeting you!
VUU Bridge
We play Bridge with VUU colleagues once a month. In addition to playing bridge, we have a pot-luck supper before the game.
The host provides a main dish and the other players bring something to share.
We meet at 5:00 the second Sunday of the month at the home of one of the players. When we are finished with the meal we draw for partners and play. The evening usually ends by 9:30.
The club consists of roughly 16 active members and 4 substitutes. We play nine months of the year, not in the summer. We use Chicago scoring and a bidding system that includes conventions that are typical of those used by duplicate bridge players.
For more information contact Jim Horton Jim is a member of ACBL (American Contract Bridge League) and is a Ruby Life Master.
Contact Jim Horton at
Dalai Lama and Friends
Does meditation and group discussions interest you? The Dalai Lama and Friends meet every Sunday before the service in the Board Room, located in the office building, across the parking lot from the sanctuary. You can also join through Zoom.
In person: Board Room, Education Complex.
Via Zoom: link.
Meeting ID: 966 5449 0995
Password: 091748
Time: 8:30 am – 10:30 am
8:30 am Meditation
9:00 am Discussion
VUU Scouts
VUU Scouts meets every first Sunday of the month from 12:45-2:00 pm. The next meeting takes place on March 2. All school age kids and parents are welcome to participate. We will meet at Desert Breeze park for a trash clean up service project followed by some play. Meet us by the splash pad area. Hope to see you there! For details, contact Krista Zabor, or email VUU at
Empathy Circle at VUU
Have you ever felt disappointed and alone at the same time? You’re not alone. Empathy practice can help. This circle invites us to share our milder stories of loss in a way that builds our capacity to tend to disconnection while staying connected to inner and community resources.
For details, contact Teri McGovern-Nintzel, or email VUU at
Family Resources
Looking specifically for family resources that are available for children?
While many of the activities and groups listed on this page are kid & teen friendly, VUU also offers many resources dedicated to families. Here are just a few links:
Faith Formation (FF) – VUU has a dedicated staff and volunteers for teaching our children our UU values and how to apply them in our lives.
FF Q&A – More information for volunteering or signing children up for FF classes.
Our Whole Lives (OWL) – Human Sexuality education. There are classes available for all ages.
Coming of Age (COA) – Coming of Age, a program for 9th and 10th grade youth, runs from January through May every other year.
We have other resources available. For more information, please contact our Faith Formation organizers at
VUU Social Justice and Volunteering
Are you interested in rolling up your sleeves and making a difference in the world? Join one of VUU’s many social / environmental justice groups and volunteer opportunities.
Valley Unitarian Universalist Justice Arizona (VUUJAZ) is part of the statewide UUJAZ network, working together to promote social justice throughout Arizona. At VUU, we host a Coffee Conversation on the 3rd Sunday of every month after the service, and we invite everyone to join us!
Anne Schneider, former long-time chair of VUUJAZ, is the author of AZ Legislative Alert, a newsletter that tracks the Arizona state legislature’s activity. During our Coffee Conversations, Anne provides insightful updates on proposed bills and shares valuable guidance on how we can engage in activism to promote social justice at the state level.
Members from the other four social justice committees at VUU are encouraged to attend, as well. These committees include Valley Interfaith Project, Partners in Education, UU the Vote, Immigration Action Team, and I-Help. Our monthly gatherings are an opportunity for us to stay informed, support one another, and exchange ideas that can further our collective work for justice.
Our Coffee Conversations are always thought-provoking and inspiring, and we hope you’ll join us as we continue our mission of building partnerships to challenge systems of oppression and create a more just, sustainable, and healthy world for all. For more information, contact Julia Allison or email:
VIP – Valley Interfaith Project
VUU members have been very active in partnering with other organizations to influence legislation to address issues of people facing homelessness, by building affordable housing.
Want to help in these efforts? See the VIP web page for more details on how to volunteer.
PIE – Partners in Education
EastVUU congregants and Adams Elementary School in Mesa have become Partners In Education (PIE). The intention of the partnership is twofold: to improve the school’s academic performance through contributions and interaction with the administration, teachers, students, and parents and to develop relationships that create understanding, appreciation, and connection to the common values the different races and cultures have with each other.
Want to help in these efforts? For more information contact Beverly McCormick & Perii Skolnick, or email:
Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program (I-HELP) is a community effort to reduce homelessness in the East Valley. VUU provides shelter once a week in our sanctuary for clients of the parent organization, AZCEND.
How to help? – On the 4th Monday of each month, VUU is currently both a host site and food provider.
See the I-Help web page for more details on how to volunteer, or email:
UU The Vote
UU The VOTE is a non-partisan effort that addresses democracy, voting rights, & electoral justice through a strong and focused congregational effort to Get-Out-the-Vote in AZ and elsewhere. Voting is the power we have to elect the right legislators who represent our UU values.
See the UU the Vote page for contacts and details on how to volunteer.
Environmental Action
Interested in meeting others who are passionate about our planet? This team encompasses the Green Sanctuary Team, the Solar Dream Team, a Citizens Climate Lobby group, the currently on hiatus Food for Life and the Planet Team.
The group is currently in a ‘paused’ state, but if you would like to stay tuned and receive information for when the group resumes, please contact Linda Stenholm, or email VUU at