I-HELP (Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program) is a community effort to reduce homelessness in the East Valley. AZCEND Community Center of Chandler (AZCEND.org), is the parent organization of I-HELP. The I-HELP program manager coordinates with a number of faith-based organizations and community agencies to provide emergency food, lodging and a variety of support services for approximately 30 men and women for up to a 90 day period. The purpose of the I-HELP program is to provide clients with a period of stability, security, and access to resources, such as case management and job placement, that can help them find their way out of their homeless state.
The I-HELP program was launched in 2006 in Tempe. The concept spread to Mesa in 2010. In 2013, the Chandler Christian Community Center (now AZCEND), brought the I-HELP model to Chandler.
VUU has been an I-HELP host site since 2013. At present, VUU is a weekly host site provider, and a monthly food provider. Each I-HELP night, the guests are provided with transportation to the host site, a hot meal, portable shower facilities, lodging and a sack lunch for the next day. These meals are provided either by VUU or another designated I-HELP food provider, such as the Gilbert LDS Church, Chandler United Methodist, or the American Muslim Association.
On the 4th Monday of each month, VUU is currently both a host site and food provider. About a week prior to that date, volunteers are invited to sign up to provide menu items, set up, serve, and clean up after the meal. This invitation is sent by the VUU I-HELP coordinator, in the form of a Sign Up Genius. which is emailed directly to an ever-expanding I-HELP email list , as well as posted in the VUU Happenings under “Giving”.
The success of the VUU I-HELP program is completely dependent on the assistance of a group of dedicated volunteers. VUU I-HELP welcomes new volunteers to assist in this very worthy cause.
For more information, email i-help@vuu.org