6400 W Del Rio St, Chandler, AZ 85226
(480) 899-4249


Love is our Doctrine. Service is our prayer. Justice is our calling.

Music is an integral part of VUU.  Music deepens our connection to oneself, each other, our values and the greater world. Music builds our sense of community, enhances the Sunday topics, offers an avenue for healing, prayer and meditation and gives ways to express our thoughts and feelings where words do not. 

Join one of our choirs, worship band, small ensembles, song circles, or drum circles. Whether you enjoy singing a solo, singing with our congregation or simply hearing live music, you are welcome here! 

Our Music Ministry also offers musical events throughout the year that are open to the whole community. Our most popular event is our annual cabaret where our talented musicians and singers put on an evening of music and fun. Music set to a theme, costumes, comedians, a variety of performances and a dancing floor make this night come alive!

Many of our volunteers have helped bring music to various Interfaith and Social Justice events in our greater community.  We are always looking for new ways to make a difference in people’s lives through music and we welcome your ideas!

We offer evening sing-alongs, open mics, live-streamed concerts, meditative drum circles and more. All of our weekly events are included in the Happenings, VUU’s weekly newsletter.If you sing or play an instrument, have any questions and/or would like to be involved in VUU’s music, please contact Katie Seiferth at musicdirector@vuu.org.