How does my child participate in the Faith Formation program?
All classes from babies through high school take place in the Education buildings across the parking lot from the sanctuary. The nursery is open at 8:30am and the Middle School (6th/7th/8th grade) and High School classes start at 10:30 in their classrooms.
All preschool through 5th graders start the morning in the Sanctuary with their families and after a brief Time for All Ages, they go through the Bridge of Love to meet their teachers on the patio to go to their classrooms as a group.
Do I have to sign my child in and out?
Yes, there is a Faith Formation (FF) welcome table in the back of the sanctuary. Sign-in tablets are on the table. There is a computer for the nursery, in room 6, and the Middle School and High School participants sign themselves in on tablets during their classes. When you pick up your kids, please sign them out on the computer in the classroom.
How Can I Help the Program?
We always need volunteers to help this program (with over 100 kids registered!) run. When you register your kids, you are asked to volunteer in some way, including volunteering in a classroom, donating snack, working the Faith Formation Welcome Table before service, working the snack table after service, writing birthday cards, and more.
What Should I Expect as a Volunteer in a Classroom?
- Our goal is to make volunteering easy for you! There is no mental or physical prep work for this volunteer position. Just show up!
- If you volunteer in a classroom with kids 5th grade or younger, we start in the Sanctuary. Once we are finished with Time For All Ages, and sing the kids out, assistants join the kids on the patio. We sort them into classrooms at that point, and walk them across the parking lot. Look for the person holding the sign for the class that you are volunteering in.
- If you are volunteering in MS/HS, join that class in room 1-2 at 10:30, as they skip the Sanctuary.
- The Lead Teacher has looked over the lesson prior to Sunday and will lead the class. All materials will be prepared for you. Your role in the classroom is to help the teacher run the lesson. Usually this means reminding kids to pay attention, be less wiggly, and not talk over the teacher during stories or video clips. During craft/activity time, you help by handing out supplies (already prepared) and assisting if the kids need a hand.
- For permanent volunteers (those who end up volunteering for the school year, and not just a once-in-the-classroom situation like in the summer) we do a background check (or accept Fingerprint Cards) and have them take a child safety course/quiz. It takes about 15 minutes to complete, and you must receive a 70% or higher. It can be taken as many times as necessary.
What is the Time for All Ages?
The Time for All Ages is a section of the Sunday morning service where all kids are invited to the front of the sanctuary for a short message from the Director of Faith Formation, a Minister, or other service participant. It generally happens 10-15 minutes after the service begins.
What is the Bridge of Love?
After the Time for All Ages, the congregation makes a “bridge” over each of the two aisles (think “London Bridge is Falling Down“ but we don’t capture anyone!). The congregation sings as the children move under the bridges from the front of the church to the back and then head out the back doors to meet their teachers and go to class.
When is class over?
All Sunday faith formation morning classes end at 11:45 am, however we offer “after care” in room 6 (or the playground) until 12:30 pm to allow parents time to attend the “Welcome Circle” or visit during the coffee hour.
Nursery through 5th grade students must be signed-out by an adult designated on the registration form or their older sibling. Tablets will be in each classroom – just touch the blue and white square next to your child’s name…pause, and the box will get an X on it. After signing your children out please visit our snack table (near the door to the offices) so the kids can have a snack.
6th grade and older participants do not need to sign themselves out of class.
How do we register?
We have a Visitor Registration (paper) form that we ask all visiting families to complete each week for each child attending classes. These forms are available on the FF welcome table and ask for basic information, a cell number – in case we need to reach you during the service, allergies, or dietary restrictions.
Can I attend classes with my child(ren)?
Absolutely. All classes are open for parents to sit-in.
How do I find out more information?
Explore this website for more about who we are. You can also visit the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) to learn more about Unitarian Universalism.
Contact the Temporary Acting Director of Faith Formation (DFF), Kelsie McEntire, with any questions or concerns you may have.
We are a deliberately open and affirming group and welcome you, your family, and all that you bring on your spiritual journey, to join all of us on ours.