Todd Sirrine
Office Administrator
Todd Sirrine joined VUU November 2021. Todd has a background in financial and hospitality management. During Covid, Todd was looking to make a career change and VUU was a perfect fit for Todd.
Todd is a 6th generation Arizona native and comes from a large pioneer family. Todd is the oldest of his four siblings so naturally he is a great leader to the VUU family. Todd has a welcoming heart and soul with a splash of spunk!
Todd loves to entertain, attend sporting events, and spend time with family and friends. Most of all, Todd loves to travel, especially tropical beach destinations.

Sara Sautter
Interim Director of Faith Formation Ministry
I look forward to meeting and working with you over the next year or so as we look for the growing edges in your faith formation programs.
I have served three congregations as an interim and two as a settled Religious Educator or Director of Congregational Life over the past 20 plus years. I have served congregations as small as 180 and as large as 450.
My husband and I have been married for 39 years, have three grown children (Ian owns a real estate brokerage in CO, Julia is finishing her MPH/MBA in CO, and Sautter is a baker in OR). Our animal menagerie has been whittled down to one orange cat, Clementine, and a one-eyed Labrador named Popeye.
I believe strongly in lifespan faith formation. What we understand to be true is different at age 5, 15, 35 and 75. Experiences, mistakes, learning (and re-learning) help us discern our truth over our lifetimes. But the values we learn as children, from our parents, our faith community and our early experiences provide the scaffolding for this growth.
What excites me about working with your congregation is that you have a solid foundation in children’s faith formation. I hope to build upon that, looking for those growing edges.
I am also very excited about expanding your adult faith formation programming from campus ministry, UU parenting to aging and “sageing.” I love teaching adults. That’s because, as Unitarian Universalists, we come to the table with open minds and hearts, a willingness to learn and experiences that I can also learn from.
We love our mountain mesa home in Taos, New Mexico. I will be working in a hybrid manner until I’m able to rent our home 🤞 and find temporary accommodation near Chandler.
I look forward to learning and growing together as we prepare for a robust future and a lifespan faith formation program that allows you to realize your mission at VUU.

Ryan Langlois
Technology Supervisor
Born in Arizona, Ryan has always had a love for both technology and art. This interest led to professional training, where they’ve worked to combine their technical knowledge with their artistic flair. Their journey in the AV field reflects their dedication to blending the worlds of sound and sight.