6400 W Del Rio St, Chandler, AZ 85226
(480) 899-4249

VUU Archives

Love is our Doctrine. Service is our prayer. Justice is our calling.

In the Meantime,

Happenings Mar 23,  2022 – From MI As I write from Michigan, the reliable political theater of Supreme Court hearings is going on.  I am not watching because it is both predictable and infuriating.  Of course, there are a lot of things that are now predictably infuriating about our politics; but that is not my…
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Ministerial Search Committee Timeline Reminders

(Yes! We Have Just a Little Longer to Wait) March 31 This is the day the MSC will make an offer to a minister-in-search to become VUU’s Candidatefor Settled Minister. April 3 If the MSC’s offer has been accepted, we will announce this to the Congregation. Once contractagreement has been reached, MSC will be able…
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In the Meantime,

Happenings Mar 15,  2022 – From MI “Beware the Ides of March!”  We all learned that in Junior High or Middle School, along with “Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears.”  Shakespeare’s retelling of the Julius Caesar story is probably better known than the history itself. Stories are powerful.  And like the example I cited,…
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Ministerial Search Timeline Explained

N0W — March 31 Waiting Period According to UUA guidelines, no UU search committee may make an offer to a minister to become their Candidate for Settled Minister until March 31 at noon EDT. March 31 VUU Ministerial Search Committee (MSC) will make an offer to our preferred candidate to become VUU’s Candidate for Settled…
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In the Meantime,

Happenings Mar 8,  2022 – from AZ News! News! As you may have heard, our Covid policies have changed.  Our Covid team (Alison Cantley, Kody Holmes, Lloyd Harrell and Doug Campos-Outcalt) met last Friday and made the following recommendations: 1. We need not limit the size of public events at VUU.2. At all public events,…
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MSC March Update

March 8, 2022 Dear VUU Members and Friends, The VUU Ministerial Search Committee (MSC) is excited to tell you that as we enter the finalstages of our search for VUU’s next settled minister, we are feeling very positive and believe weare close to a successful outcome of the two year search process. 2021-2022 was a…
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