6400 W Del Rio St, Chandler, AZ 85226
(480) 899-4249

VUU Archives

Love is our Doctrine. Service is our prayer. Justice is our calling.

In the Meantime,

February 2, 2022 – From AZ February 2 is one of those days people think is special.  Why?  GroundHog Day for one, a Germanic custom that wandered into America.  Among Catholics it is the feast of Candlemas, which was layered on top of the Roman Lupercalia.   Many holidays are like that, stacking up on old…
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MSC January Update

Greetings to the VUU Family,January was a busy month for the committee. Our preparations for candidate interviews completed in December, we waited for the UUA to open up the formal candidating process by letting candidates and congregations “see” each other in the beginning of the month. At that point candidates had a window to select…
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In the Meantime,

January 26, 2021 – From AZ It finally happened.  I got overwhelmed.  Throughout all the drama and turmoil of the last two years, my equanimity was pretty solid.  There were tough days, of course, but I never felt ‘underwater.’   That was then.  This is now.  Managing all the pieces became officially too much this…
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In the Meantime,

January 19, 2022 From Michigan Mostly, I try to be meaningful and spiritual in this weekly column, but today I need to be practical.  This is not my strength so bear with me.   There have been challenges with our ‘hybrid’ Sunday services, something I mentioned in my Facebook video a week or two back.…
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In the Meantime,

Wendy started basic training last week. She had her first of 16 infusions over 20 weeks, which will be followed by 3 weeks of radiation. Tough regimen, and because the chemo makes your hair fall out I gave her a buzz cut today to make that transition less dramatic. Of course, getting a buzz cut is…
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I Am a Light