6400 W Del Rio St, Chandler, AZ 85226
(480) 899-4249

VUU Archives

Love is our Doctrine. Service is our prayer. Justice is our calling.

In the Meantime,

1-5-2022 I must have mentioned Frost’s poem, “Mending Wall.”  If not, the most famous line is one we all recognize:  “Good fences make good neighbors.”  It means that boundaries are helpful in human relations.   But they are hard.  Absent an actual wall, it is difficult to know where they are until you step over…
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O Christmas Tree


In the Meantime,

12-28-21 You know the joke: “I just flew back from LA and boy are my arms tired.”  Well, I just drove back from LA, and boy is my….tired.  No kidding, drove 400 miles and came right to the office and started this column, and if there was a way to write it standing up I…
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