I am going to do something I have almost never done – not work for a few weeks. Most of my career I actually worked during vacation. That was partly self serving. When you are away for several weeks the inbox and to do list get fuller and longer. But frankly, it was also a…
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This past weekend I attended an in-person event at a member’s home. It was harder than I expected. Mind, we are all vaccinated. The risk was almost nil. But seeing a dozen people in one room without masks, sitting close to one another, was disquieting. Even at the office, where we are fewer and vaccinated…
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Did I tell you about my house? We own a very old (1887) brick house in downtown Grand Rapids, part of a historic district. But just as older people need more care to stay well, so old houses need more care and attention. That’s why I expect to spend money every year to maintain it. …
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June is always busting out, as the song says. In addition to the usual stuff, you had your annual meeting (which went very well let me say). I had my annual meeting of the UU Ministers, and soon comes the UUA General Assembly. The intense heat is just a bonus, right? For newer members, GA…
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