6400 W Del Rio St, Chandler, AZ 85226
(480) 899-4249

VUU Archives

Love is our Doctrine. Service is our prayer. Justice is our calling.

Congregational Meeting with Search Vote

Join the VUU community for our semi-annual Congregational Meeting.  We will require a quorum of members to attend and will vote in a seven-member Settled Ministerial Search Committee. The meeting will start just after church service on Sunday, January 24 (about 11:30).  Additional information and updates from the Board will be provided.  IMPORTANT:  Two-member households…
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In the Meantime,

Did these past weeks remind you of “Waiting to Exhale?” While I never saw the 1995 movie, I understood the phrase.  It means holding your breath until you feel it is safe to let go; with that “whew” sound no doubt.  After so many uncertain weeks it seems we can let go of political worries and…
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In the Meantime,

History is a lot more fun to read than make.  This past week has been the most troubling in America since September 11, and ultimately is even more momentous.  A comic strip from long ago, written during another turbulent era, parodied the words of Commodore Perry in the Era of 1812, saying, “We have met…
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In the Meantime,

This Sunday the Transition Team and I prepared a service that would share our work and your stories about VUU as part of the pilgrimage from one settled ministry to the next.  Then the world intervened, as we all know.  “Best laid plans,” as the poet said.  Of course, we have been living in unusually uncertain times now for almost a…
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In the Meantime,

I think it was Emerson who observed that because eternity was too much for mortal minds to comprehend, God mercifully divided it into days and years.  It is before dawn on December 21, 2020 as I write these few thoughts and social media is filled with comments about the annus horribilis about to end and…
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